Cow and Boy Classics by Mark Leiknes for December 19, 2013
"Wow, hot cocoa? I didn't even ask. Gee, thanks, Mom." "I realize I'm not the best son ever, but you continue to surprise me and make me feel special." "Perfection describes so few things in this world, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that you are in fact the perfect mom. Thank you, Mom. I love and appreciate you." "Sick!! Where's the stinkin' marshmallows?!" FRSCH
Thanks for clearing that out. See? That’s what happens when you’re naughty. You make our Overlords angry. But my question was two sided. On one side I wasn’t sure what you meant by Phantom Zone, but on the other I couldn’t imagine what you could say about yesterday’s strip that would make them send you there again.