You just have to be slightly smarter than the cat. Pill wrapped in favorite cat food, grab cat by scruff of neck, grab both ears in hand holding scruff, pull ears gently back til cat’s mouth opens (it’s a reflex) stuff pill as far back into throat as possible. Gently massage cat’s throat to induce the swallow reflex (I said GENTLY! Do not strangle cat) Release cat.Swear profusely as cat spits out pill minus cat treat.Rinse and repeat until your bleeding too profusely to go on.Go to ER to get stitches.Get a dog.
My kitty took her heart meds like a champ for the two years she was on them before she died. Twice a day I wrapped the pill in a bacon flavored pill paste. She was a sweetheart
Templo S.U.D. over 8 years ago
this might become an interesting storyline for the week
Rista over 8 years ago
You just have to be slightly smarter than the cat. Pill wrapped in favorite cat food, grab cat by scruff of neck, grab both ears in hand holding scruff, pull ears gently back til cat’s mouth opens (it’s a reflex) stuff pill as far back into throat as possible. Gently massage cat’s throat to induce the swallow reflex (I said GENTLY! Do not strangle cat) Release cat.Swear profusely as cat spits out pill minus cat treat.Rinse and repeat until your bleeding too profusely to go on.Go to ER to get stitches.Get a dog.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 8 years ago
Every cat housemate knows better then that!!
rush.diana over 8 years ago
My kitty took her heart meds like a champ for the two years she was on them before she died. Twice a day I wrapped the pill in a bacon flavored pill paste. She was a sweetheart