I, too, think the threat of mixed vegetables has been far too long ignored by this planet. There is no excuse for succotashe. Three bean salad may be excused IF and only if it is not smelly and is acceptable to all parties exposed.
Petey, My Hero, is curiously nonchalant about these dangers. Could it be that PastaMartian Mind Control has taken over his functional responses already?!
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 5 years ago
Controversial, huh? Petey already being censored by the MAN?
Auntie Socialist over 5 years ago
Have you got Day of The Triffids down there somewhere?
gbars70 over 5 years ago
Dill analyzes the threat and proceeds to take action…
whahoppened over 5 years ago
Just after the glue.
well-i-never over 5 years ago
I had no idea that mixed vegetables were a plot! It all makes sense now!
fuzzybritches over 5 years ago
Petey’s so tolerant of Alice messing with his stuff!
Tentoes over 5 years ago
I KNEW there was something suspicious about mixed vegetables!
Huckleberry Hiroshima over 5 years ago
Nice try, Dill.
Teto85 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Oh, no!!!!! Not the Mixed Veg!!!!
J Quest over 5 years ago
So the Pastafarians were right all along?
ChessPirate over 5 years ago
“Petey! Show them ‘The Lurking Threat to America’s Children Posed by Mixed Vegetables’!”
DCBakerEsq over 5 years ago
My shoebox diorama, The Perils of GoComics Comments, has been banned in 11 states. And, Puerto Rico.
gigagrouch over 5 years ago
i agree with Petey’s opinion of mixed vegetables.
smorbie the great and beautiful over 5 years ago
I, too, think the threat of mixed vegetables has been far too long ignored by this planet. There is no excuse for succotashe. Three bean salad may be excused IF and only if it is not smelly and is acceptable to all parties exposed.
Sisyphos over 5 years ago
Petey, My Hero, is curiously nonchalant about these dangers. Could it be that PastaMartian Mind Control has taken over his functional responses already?!