I know this is a joke, but this is the aim of the book banners. They want stupid kids to grow up and be stupid uninformed idiots.
“Bread and Circuses”. Think about it…or don’t think.
The best bet that book has of surviving on the shelves is that the adults responsible for the library won’t understand the words on the cover, much less anything inside.
cracker65 4 months ago
I know this is a joke, but this is the aim of the book banners. They want stupid kids to grow up and be stupid uninformed idiots.
ddl297 4 months ago
“Bread and Circuses”. Think about it…or don’t think.
dogday Premium Member 4 months ago
The best bet that book has of surviving on the shelves is that the adults responsible for the library won’t understand the words on the cover, much less anything inside.