In a story much more involved than the last,
It’s hard to keep track of a very large cast.
So, how many characters do we see?
Tiger and Riger and Lizz and Lee.
There’s Ty and Tim and also Ted
And poor old Auntie in the bed.
There’s Bellum and Tellum and wrinkled old Pouch,
And a suck-up named Oscar (not the Grouch).
There’s Cheesecake, the cook, caught doing a line,
And Alex, in charge, who thinks that’s just fine.
I’ll throw in Junior and Tracy and Sam.
There’s more, but at this point I don’t give a damn.
I’ve said my piece so now I’ll go.
This thinking up rhymes isn’t easy, you know.
July 27, 2017
September 11, 2017
October 25, 2017
In a story much more involved than the last,
It’s hard to keep track of a very large cast.
So, how many characters do we see?
Tiger and Riger and Lizz and Lee.
There’s Ty and Tim and also Ted
And poor old Auntie in the bed.
There’s Bellum and Tellum and wrinkled old Pouch,
And a suck-up named Oscar (not the Grouch).
There’s Cheesecake, the cook, caught doing a line,
And Alex, in charge, who thinks that’s just fine.
I’ll throw in Junior and Tracy and Sam.
There’s more, but at this point I don’t give a damn.
I’ve said my piece so now I’ll go.
This thinking up rhymes isn’t easy, you know.