Yeah, Burl, you’re a BIG help. This reminds me of a Don Martin book I had years ago. I can’t recall the title but the characters in it were Fester Bestertester and Carbuncle. In a one page panel Fester says, “Great news. I just got my mother a job loading concrete blocks!’”
InTraining Premium Member almost 4 years ago
and if Burl had gone to get the rock salt for MA… he woulda lost his way altogether…!
MissScarlet Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I love the rampaging Rascal rider.
tcayer almost 4 years ago
You unpack your stuff on the belt, and go “Oops! I’ll be right back!”
rs almost 4 years ago
I thought Ma lived at a senior center….?
Draway almost 4 years ago
Found it!
bobw2012 almost 4 years ago
A bag of rock salt can be heavy. Don’t worry Ma, we’’ll hold your place in line.
Spooky D Cat almost 4 years ago
Yeah, Burl, you’re a BIG help. This reminds me of a Don Martin book I had years ago. I can’t recall the title but the characters in it were Fester Bestertester and Carbuncle. In a one page panel Fester says, “Great news. I just got my mother a job loading concrete blocks!’”
Spooky D Cat almost 4 years ago
Correction: It was Karbunkle, not Carbuncle.