6 ENTER .07 ÷ Efficiency matters.
Instead of becoming extinct at the K-T boundary, some dinosaurs survived to become extinct at the H-P / T-I boundary.
I remember a friend in college trying to convince me of the advantages of reverse polish notation. It’s possible this is the first time I thought of it since then.
January 10, 2015
June 13, 2017
October 16, 2017
crosscompiler Premium Member 7 months ago
6 ENTER .07 ÷ Efficiency matters.
seismic-2 Premium Member 7 months ago
Instead of becoming extinct at the K-T boundary, some dinosaurs survived to become extinct at the H-P / T-I boundary.
Ed The Red Premium Member 7 months ago
I remember a friend in college trying to convince me of the advantages of reverse polish notation. It’s possible this is the first time I thought of it since then.