My brother in law just came over for the first time in YEARS because the poor guy has some mental health issues. Not working the pandemic LITERALLY almost killed him! But the INSTANT “Rent” opened again, he and my sister were IMMEDIATELY called to for tech and as designers. SO PROUD!!!
Ida No over 2 years ago
Puppies: “Because we do that. A lot.”
momofalex7 over 2 years ago
Yep, our puppy peed on me in the car on the way home.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 2 years ago
My puppies usually puke on the way home. I keep them anyway.
scyphi26 over 2 years ago
It’s a well known fact that bladders tend to malfunction when excited anyway.
dlaemmerhirt999 over 2 years ago
My brother in law just came over for the first time in YEARS because the poor guy has some mental health issues. Not working the pandemic LITERALLY almost killed him! But the INSTANT “Rent” opened again, he and my sister were IMMEDIATELY called to for tech and as designers. SO PROUD!!!
locake over 2 years ago
Those cute puppies would get adopted right away if people knew about them. Not sure why they need a foster home.
cuzinron47 over 2 years ago
Well there’s ‘happy to see you’ peeing.