Actually not much difference between a tick and a mosquito except the mosquito makes you itch after he infects you. Both carry serious disease. And both may do nothing (except the mosquito leaves you scratching). I once got some photographs of a local plane crash (small plane) hoping to sell them to the local newspaper. (I did) After I got out of the woods, I pulled ticks off me for 3 days. Wife and I estimate between 25 – 30 ticks. (We lost count) No disease. So to me they are about the same. Some carry serious disease, some jsut annoy you.
Actually not much difference between a tick and a mosquito except the mosquito makes you itch after he infects you. Both carry serious disease. And both may do nothing (except the mosquito leaves you scratching). I once got some photographs of a local plane crash (small plane) hoping to sell them to the local newspaper. (I did) After I got out of the woods, I pulled ticks off me for 3 days. Wife and I estimate between 25 – 30 ticks. (We lost count) No disease. So to me they are about the same. Some carry serious disease, some jsut annoy you.