Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 27, 1970
Mike: (Well, here I am at my fraternity, having dinner with my date...all eyes are on her, and I am proud to be with her even though she has the brains of a caterpillar, she is extremely attractive!) Fraternity brother: Say, Mike, I couldn't help noticing that your date is without question the ugliest girl I have ever seen in my life.
zola115 almost 10 years ago
Was this funny, even in 1970?
KnifeSmile over 9 years ago
Heck, I find it funny now. The issue is Mike hinging his self-esteem on the attractiveness of the woman he’s with, not merely mocking a woman for being unattractive.
Brel over 6 years ago
This gag would have passed without jarring in 1970…
robert423elliott almost 3 years ago
Why not just ask him to stand up so you could get a better shot at his hangers?