Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for April 11, 1974
Zonker: You know, Mike, this streaking business has really opened my eyes to a lot of things I've been missing in recent years. Not that it's my fault - basically I've been too busy to be au courant. But I feel I've got a lot of fads, nostalgia, and cheap, shabby sentimentalism to catch up on! Mike: What do you propose to do about it? Zonker: Well, I thought tomorrow I'd grease my hair, take off all my clothes except Bobby Sox and loafers, put on a straw hat, grab a hula hoop, and perform a summer of '42, '56, and '63 F. Scott Fitzgatsby memorial streak! After that, I'll go see "Love Story." Mike: That should cover it.
childe_of_pan over 5 years ago
Multi-tasking like a maniac…