Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 30, 1980
Voice from television: The following program is made possible through a grant from Mobil. So what do they want, a medal? And now it's time for another Mobil fable... Man: Hot damn! Voice: Once upon a time, there lived seven hard-working squirrels. These squirrels gathered the nuts for all the other squirrels in the forest. From time to time, there was a nut shortage in the forest, and the nut-producing squirrels would be forced to raise their prices, even if they caused the shortage in the first place.. This would infuriate the nut-consumers, so they would tell their leaders to take away the profits of the producers. Fortunately, the producers had a very big lobby, so the leaders did little, and nut prices went up again! By the end of the year, the seven hard-working squirrels had tripled their earnings and made billions in profits. What's the moral of our little story? Man: Don't screw around with the oil companies. Voice: "Don't screw around with the oil companies."