Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 10, 1982
TV: Coming up: the new right cries "enough"! Enough, already! Good evening from Senator Jesse Helms and other new right leaders went to the White House to discuss their pro-family agenda for 1982. Alarmed that the sagging economy was distractive Congress from important social issues, the Helms delegation met with Mr. Reagan to enlist his support. Later, Mr. Reagan told reporters that, despite some reservations about timing, he generally supported the Helms crusade to defeat teh ERA, abolish sex education, outlaw abortion, and otherwise shore up the nation's declining morality. "For too long, the federal government has been subsidizing anti-family values." Said the president, "Whatever happened to the teaching of a family! Whatever happened to saying no?" The twice-married Reagan, whose four children have three divorces among them, declined to elaborate.