Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 24, 1986
Comandante Less-than-zero: ...and the C.I.A. wants us in Washington for a meeting on Tuesday. You'll have to go without me, amigo. I've already got a drug pickup penciled in. Okay, so much for the drug-smuggling operation. Let's move on to the congressional investigation of missing contra funds. Jorge? Jorge: Nothing much to report, Comandante. The GAO has about given up on trying to figure out what we did with the money. Comandante: What about the next $100 million? Can we absorb it? Jorge: If we use more middlemen and offshore banks, no problem. Man: What about the payoffs to the Honduran military? Jorge: I don't think that should come out of our rockets anymore. Let the C.I.A. expense-account it. Man: Hear, hear. They're the ones who leased Honduras in the first place. Comandante: Okay. I think that takes care of old and new business. Can anyone think of anyone else? Jorge: Freedom-fighting? Comandante: Oh, right...battlefield report! Person: Let's see...I think we blew up a clinic.