Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 01, 1987
Person: Let me sum up, Senator...the key point I'm trying to make here... Person 2: Okay, that's it for the day! Mr. Secretary, forgive me for interrupting your testimony, but it's approaching 3:30 and I have to leave for my son's football game. Mr. Secretary: I certainly understand, Mr. Chairman. I have two small children waiting for me myself. Person: As do I, Mr. Chairman. I'll have to excuse myself as well. I'm looking at a 3-hour commute to get to my daughter's piano recital. Mr. Secretary: Will the gentlemen yield? Person 2: Of course, Senator. Person 3: Mr. Chairman, I too need to be excused. I've decided to leave public life altogether in order to spend more time with my family. Mr. Secretary: Good luck to you, Senator. Okay, all those with family commitments are excused from the proceedings today...will those with screwed-up priorities please turn off the lights? Person: Okay. Person 2: No problem.