Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for April 26, 1992
Person: Good morning, sir! Yes, it...with the sun..and your feathery robins out there-got to say, got to agree on the morning thing. Total mistake-policy, political, everything else...policy because it simply did not do what I thought-hoped it would do: control this - control - get this economy working...there were some good things about it, so I can't say...shouldn't mistake. But it was - spending caps is good, getting the spending caps is good, keeping the government going as opposed to shutting down for whatever number of days it would have taken - that was good. But when you have to wiegh a decision in retrospect - have the benefit of hindsight - I would have to say both policy and politically, I think we can all agree it's drawn a lot of fire. It was the right thing to do. And I take full responsibility for it. George Bush on the 1990 budget agreement.