Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 21, 2002
Zeke: Man...great hot spot! Why would anyone pay for this stuff? Man: Excuse me? You in there! Zeke: What? Man: You're freeloading off my home wireless network, aren't you? Zeke" So what? I'm on the street. It's a free country. Man: Yeah but high-speed access isn't! I'm paying for it! Zeke: I suppose you also pay for music, movies, and games, too. Man: As a matter of fact, I do. Zeke: Excellent. Don't ever change, man. Without solid citizens like you, there wouldn't even be any cool goods and services for the rest of us! My hat's off to you, man! Man: Oh...uh... thanks. Zeke: No problem. Listen, you might want to check out your daughter's e-mail.