Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 08, 2008

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    popsgone  about 16 years ago

    With no surprises here, A Lib all the way! Go O’Biteme ‘08. LET THEM PUT THE BITE ON YOU.

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  2. New wtfpaint
    kat827618  about 16 years ago

    Good One!

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  3. Triscele
    txmystic  about 16 years ago


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    swolf48110  about 16 years ago

    on point…good one!

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  5. Shark avatar2 web
    mackado  about 16 years ago

    Of course, the Fact that “The Senator” is paying 7 times more than all of us in properties taxes and therefore contributing that much more to local economies/Government (school systems, Libraries,Fire Dept, etc) and local communities He hardly visits escaped your collective enlightened intellects…

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  6. Milo1
    Handrew  about 16 years ago

    Wow Machado, I guess I should have more respect for the Senator then. It is a pretty awesome sacfrice on his part that he pays 7 times more than me in property taxes. What a guy!

    Oh, wait! The fact that he’s probably more than 7 times more wealthy than me enables him to pay that much in property taxes, doesn’t it? You know, wealth like that would probably put him out of touch with the common man…

    Hey, I wonder if THAT’S what GBT is getting at with this cartoon! Caught up yet, friend?

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  7. Ducttapeprincess021
    7.G.U.Y.7  about 16 years ago

    u know, i don’t like reading the comments on a political cartoon, they r more scary then funny

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    MikeBx  about 16 years ago

    If, of course, the properties are being taxed at the rates they would be if they were “just ordinary folk”. In my area the wealthy buy five acre parcels, slap a monument to their wealth on it, then get it rezoned “agroculture” because they keep a pony out back.

    Of course, second, third, etc. homes are actually drains on the economy, as they represent capital assets that are not being used effeciently. I wouldn’t expect John McCain to understand that, of course; personal economics isn’t any more interesting than national economics.

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