Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 16, 2010
Overkill: So tell me a few Red Rascal stories, Redfern! I love the one with the Afghan chick... Jeff: Hmm... there're are so many, sir. But you may be thinking of... "The Tale of the Taliban's Daughter!" Woman: Must not glance at him, lest I be stoned to death! Jeff: Come to poppa! Overkill: That's it! Jeff: I'm sorry, sir - it's still too painful...
glenbeck over 14 years ago
see. now why cant all female reporters were a burka? They are obligated to do so when they are hot….pluse pro-players.. are just that.;not profesional in any other way. not men with a halve brain that know how to impress a hot chick
ksoskins over 14 years ago
glenbeck — as incoherent as the Fox dingbat of the same name. Now that “Red Rascal” stories might have a big effect on his career, he’s choking.
nibor6 over 14 years ago
Are you sure that “glenbeck” isn’t writing with a Mexican/French accent?
Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago
The whole Taliban has a daughter? You better hope her parents like you.
napaeric over 14 years ago
A man made a mistake with a woman he desired. He apologized and lived to make further mistakes.
A woman made a mistake with a man she desired. She was beheaded and left with the garbage.
Obviously a woman is more important than a man since she is allowed one mistake and a man is flawed and needs more help.
GrimmaTheNome over 14 years ago
Even worse though, sometimes its:
A man made a mistake with a woman he desired. She was beheaded and left with the garbage.
wcorvi over 14 years ago
So, why is it that bejeweled means with jewels added, bedecked means with clothes added, but beheaded means with head removed?
Or am I just being picky?
GrimmaTheNome over 14 years ago
because ‘be’ is ‘a prefix of various uses and meanings’. In this case, its a ‘privative’.
Not very logical, but the illogic of English spelling and grammar pales into insignificance faced with the illogic and injustice of the treatment of women in many societies, so yeah, you’re just being picky.
nickmangieri Premium Member over 14 years ago
In our society, a man makes a mistake and is thrown out of his home. The women gets the kids, the house, half the bank account. A woman makes a mistake and the man still is thrown out of his home. The women gets the kids, the house, half the bank account.
SuperGriz over 14 years ago
Well, there you go, then.
Sandfan over 14 years ago
International merchants of death are celebrity groupies.
Who knew?
lewisbower over 14 years ago
I think the founder of anothe mid-east religion said no stones. Why do we, his supposed follows still cast them?
randgrithr over 14 years ago
@RR: that’s because in our society women are expected to stay home and raise those kids instead of being given equal pay and status in the workplace.
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
Actually he said he wouldn’t cast the first stone if no one else did, Lew. It was more a refusal to execute a woman who surely didn’t commit adultery by herself. And an example of forgiveness for the ones who are held accountable while other walk free. Spoke to Jewish bigotry against their own tribes as well as gentiles.
But your point is apt in his call fro us to forgive our”brothers and sister” and why so many of us who say we are His act like we aren’t.
Unfortunately, there are many like him who never make the media since the media, as we’ve all noted here, have their own agenda. Plus those who do act in that way are told not to broadcast their acts as that is hypocrasy.
Oh, and if you aren’t acting like it, aren’t you also throwing stones?
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
Ghandi gets credited as a great guy when he walked his followers into all manner of clubbings and killings? Isn’t that what most of you blame Jesus for? :-)
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
RR, you are obviously missing a few news flashes unless of course you were tossed out and now need an excuse for your personal failure as a husband.
Dirty Dragon over 14 years ago
Looks to me like the boss of this company is the only one there who takes the Red Rascal at face value. But he probably didn’t get to head up a well-connected (Republican-supported) security contracting business by having a healthy b-s detector.
Believing everything you hear on Hannity is so much easier. And more profitable!
Dtroutma over 14 years ago
In our “more civilized” cultures, fathers still “give away” their daughters in marriage, and a good many Christian “sects” regard the wife as only slightly better than property of the husband. Many of those same groups want to replace our laws based on equality with “Christian” religious laws- the “pro-life” movement is about a lot more than just embryos and control of the uterus.
Possum Pete over 14 years ago
I tore my rotator cuff throwing stones.
pschearer Premium Member over 14 years ago
I hope everyone saw the recent Time magazine cover picture of the young Afghan woman who had her nose and ears cut off and was left to die by her family for refusing to obey her in-laws.
She is coming to the U.S. for reconstructive surgery at a burn center. The picture makes clear she was once a pretty woman. I hope in a few years Time can put her back on the cover to contrast a culture of life, liberty, and values with a culture of death, submission, and destruction. (Remember, Submission is the name of their religion.)
Ushindi over 14 years ago
Tigger is, of course, correct - I hate Glenn Beck because he speaks the truth, and I HATE hearing the truth…
SuperGriz over 14 years ago
“(Remember, Submission is the name of their religion.)”
Seems to common for many religions.
Ermine Notyours over 14 years ago
pschearer: in this country, a woman has apparently disfigured herself for religious reasons. It was an attempt to prove Christian miracles. Vancouver Voice article
dfowensby over 14 years ago
humph. i just don’t like glenn beck. some folks you like, some you don’t. him, i don’t. he always looks oilly.
corzak over 14 years ago
Glenn Beck is a “rodeo clown” that fake cries and makes up whatever he wants to. According to him.
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
Making Glenn yet another TV evangelist for his religion of rightism.