Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 13, 2013
Zipper: Ahh! The start of the new semester! Makes me want to think of the next big paradigm! Jeff: Huh? So, picked your classes yet? Zipper: No. I've been too busy. You? Jeff: Yeah. I decided to go all in with math and engineering, build up my credits for an industrial design major. Seems like there's a coming resurgence in our nation's manufacturing capacity. I want to prepare myself for the future! Zipper: Wow! We are totally on the same page about seizing the future! In fact, as soon as I come up with an idea like Facebook or the iPhone, I'm so outta here! Jeff: Okay, so that's a slightly different model. Zipper: I know! I'll be changing the way people live! Hopefully, my kids'll keep me grounded.
Linguist almost 12 years ago
Ya gotta be in it for the Big Picture !
annieb1012 almost 12 years ago
Kids???! How, exactly, and with whom?
DylanThomas3.14159 almost 12 years ago
Is this Sunday strip a flashback? It can’t be a rerun, since it’s copyrighted ©2013, which would be January of this year at the oldest.
So if it’s a flashback, then how come this younger, earlier, college-age Jeff is so idealistic?
And Zip is even more idealistic than Jeff! He wants to “be changing the way people LIVE!” I can’t believe this! Even though Clark Kent is absolutely right: he’s “delusional”!
And not only can I not believe this, I’m confused. Terribly so.
DylanThomas3.14159 almost 12 years ago
“Funny such ideas just aren’t on demand.”
Funny you should say that, Night-Gaunt. In fact, Einstein came up with his idea for general relativity by daydreaming about riding or flying alongside a light-beam (or a photon) at the speed of light. He wasn’t thought of as much in university. Even with his newly minted PhD he couldn’t find a job in Europe as a university prof! And he had to come up with his “fool idea” (first special, then general relativity) AS A LOWLY PATENT CLERK IN SWITZERLAND and in his spare time! Go figure! And figure! And then figure some more!
DylanThomas3.14159 almost 12 years ago
Has this student been introduced? How is he then suddenly a confident of Zipper Harris? And who is this so-called “just some student” in the world of the 30-year-old Jeff of the here and now? If you’re really right, then something is seriously amiss with this comic strip.
wildchildhernandez almost 12 years ago
Nose is all wrong for it to be Jeff.
neatslob Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Doesn’t look anything like Jeff. And I don’t think Zipper wants to change peoples’ lives so much as come up with a get-rich-quick scheme.
Coyoty Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Not all gingers look alike. You’re being… um… hair colorist?
thirdguy almost 12 years ago
Can’t be Jeff, he is too tall, he has a different face, and he is planning on getting a job sometime in the future.
Raygun almost 12 years ago
Yes, there is more than one redhead in the scheme of things – this is not Jeff at all. Since Zip is a college “lifer” (I forget the proper term) he will always be around the campus. Zipper is aware of the plans for Walden to turn into a for-profit university and the dean will humor him to keep him quite until the plans go though. At least that’s my take.
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
I see lots of snow there. Kids around here would be so thrilled if we were to get a bunch of that stuff!
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
Zip may know about the birds and bees, but one would have to wonder what female at Walden would be interested in somebody like Zip… Someone just as clueless as Zip? That sounds like a scary thought…
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
New character? Definitely not Jeff, who is no longer in school (and probably still in bed). Not a rerun, too topical.
ncalifgirl58 almost 12 years ago
They are BOTH delusional! Engineer guy thinks he’s going to find a job? lololol
unca jim almost 12 years ago
There are three kinds of engineers; 1/ a person that works down at the train-yard.2/ a person that runs the boards at the local TV station.3/ a person who designs things we live in, drive or ride.
Oh, and maybe someone familiar with HTML.. I’ll get back to you on that..MiepR almost 12 years ago
Not Jeff. No sunglasses.
Hunter7 almost 12 years ago
Zipper is planning of having kids? I was unaware he had a steady … anything! Other than being a steady student….
52james almost 12 years ago
What’s that framed gizmo in last panel that looks like a mirrored medicine cabinet outdoors?
fritzoid Premium Member almost 12 years ago
“Based just upon statistical probability – guess which one is a Democrat and which is a Republican.”
Based just on statistical probability, they’re both college-educated so they’re probably both Democrat.
DylanThomas3.14159 almost 12 years ago
“… Jeff finally woke up and decided to return to school to learn to do something useful. Y’think?? ….”
Like letting his hair grow longer?
Mitchtheone almost 12 years ago
An engineer out walking his dog.. See all the burrs the poor dog picked up in a field.. Velcro..
Ideas are not in demand until some one thinks of one and puts it to good use.
Actually, Zipper is closer to the truth than he realizes…
Dr Lou Premium Member almost 12 years ago
The Zip character is not one of Trudeau’s best concepts.
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
Hey, I know. The ‘Pet Rock’! No, wait, that’s been done.
DylanThomas3.14159 almost 12 years ago
“How about someone to explain the BENGHAZI COVER-UP???”
Fearest thou not, Calimesa Jim! The one happiest to explain it all to thee would Zipper be.
Newshound41 almost 12 years ago
@DTπ – This is a new strip-@mabrndt – You are probably correct about the Ginger being the same character as the one in the December 12, 2010 strip.
38lowell almost 12 years ago
Are there more than two?
Kip W almost 12 years ago
Wait, why is BD back in college with two legs, no helmet, a different hair color, a new face, and a totally different character? Silly cartoonist!
lemon868 almost 12 years ago
Hair is too red for Jeff also.
Newshound41 almost 12 years ago
When a strip is a repeat, it says “FLASHBACK” on the left hand side at Here is an example of a strip from 12/30/2012 that was originally run in 2011: strip today on does not say “FLASHBACK”:
DylanThomas3.14159 almost 12 years ago
“… this is not a repeat…..”
Repeat ≠ flashback. Two different things.
DylanThomas3.14159 almost 12 years ago
Nah, he can check a dictionary, online or off. Have you checked one?
jnik23260 almost 12 years ago
All of you:This is not a flashback, a new student, or Jeff returned to school.This is Zipper’s new roommate for the year. I remember him from a few months ago. Roommates come and go, but Zip stays and stays.And I STILL don’t know who pays for his tuition!