After Ferris Bueller put his buddy Cameron Frye’s Dad’s Ferrari up on blocks and ran it in reverse (which didn’t affect the odometer), the car came off the blocks and crashed through the back of the garage into the valley behind the house. Luckily for Eno, his situation won’t end that badly. He’ll probably just get beaten with a tire iron.
I’ve been a cabbie. Just tell him, up front; “Take me ten bucks toward…that’s all I’ve got.” If it’s only a couple of blocks farther, he might be cool & turn off the meter. Or local law might require him to put you out at $10.
comicgos over 14 years ago
Eno - this is not the cash cab!
Llewellenbruce over 14 years ago
This reminds me of “Ferris Buehler’s Day Off” movie where he had his dads car running in reverse to erase the miles he put on it.
ksoskins over 14 years ago
After Ferris Bueller put his buddy Cameron Frye’s Dad’s Ferrari up on blocks and ran it in reverse (which didn’t affect the odometer), the car came off the blocks and crashed through the back of the garage into the valley behind the house. Luckily for Eno, his situation won’t end that badly. He’ll probably just get beaten with a tire iron.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
You better have hive drive you to the nearest ATM, Eno…or hope that Fang can cover it.
lewisbower over 14 years ago
ER, Eno, how do you handle this in restaurants?
pschearer Premium Member over 14 years ago
Back up far enough and the driver owes YOU money!
lazygrazer over 14 years ago
That’s true, pschearer….plus a tip!
Coyoty Premium Member over 14 years ago
That wouldn’t be fare to the driver.
ChukLitl Premium Member over 14 years ago
I’ve been a cabbie. Just tell him, up front; “Take me ten bucks toward…that’s all I’ve got.” If it’s only a couple of blocks farther, he might be cool & turn off the meter. Or local law might require him to put you out at $10.
rainman5353 over 14 years ago
Has Sheik Yerbouti moved to Tulsa?