We live in a small village of 250. Nearest EMT is 20 minutes, if they aren’t on a call otherwise 30 minutes. You have only minutes if CPR isn’t started. Sorry for the lecture but it saves lives. My big gripe is having to pay $25-$50 to recertify. Done it three times. once a week after getting EMT certified (she wasn’t savable) and my granddaughter twice as an infant, she is doing quite well A+ student and joy to her older brothers.
It took years before Amazon’s own drivers could find us; they used to just deliver stuff anywhere in the neighborhood (we are not at all isolated or remote). This year they’re finally doing about as well as USPS or UPS.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 6 years ago
We live in a small village of 250. Nearest EMT is 20 minutes, if they aren’t on a call otherwise 30 minutes. You have only minutes if CPR isn’t started. Sorry for the lecture but it saves lives. My big gripe is having to pay $25-$50 to recertify. Done it three times. once a week after getting EMT certified (she wasn’t savable) and my granddaughter twice as an infant, she is doing quite well A+ student and joy to her older brothers.
Jefano Premium Member over 6 years ago
It took years before Amazon’s own drivers could find us; they used to just deliver stuff anywhere in the neighborhood (we are not at all isolated or remote). This year they’re finally doing about as well as USPS or UPS.