Flo and Friends by Jenny Campbell for April 09, 2021

  1. Beefmower20140720small
    wes tnt  over 3 years ago

    if they pulled out in front of him, it would have been him hitting them!

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    christelisbetty  over 3 years ago

    They would hit each other, the where,when and how, would establish liability.

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  3. Olympus 004
    John9  over 3 years ago

    People speak of karma all the time but I don’t see it happening. I have also almost been “hit” many times by someone pulling out in front of me AND the not even going the speed limit almost as if they can’t see me coming usually at 45 mph

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    contralto2b  over 3 years ago

    I only vividly remember karma happening once. Kind of heavy traffic but speed limit or higher (in the mid 80s), left lane for passing only (4 lanes total). Guy in BIG FANCY car, driving fast in the left lane, flashing lights to make people move out of his way. I am in the 3rd lane (counting from the right) and this other car was in the left lane next to me passing me (I was going 5 over the speed limit, he was going 10). The BIG FANCY car must have been doing at least 10 more over the speed limit the way he came speeding up behind the car next to me. So the other car signaled to get over to the right. I let him in. The BIG FANCY car sped on by. The other car pulled back into the left lane, flipped on his police lights and went after the BIG FANCY car. The other car was an unmarked police car. I had a really big smile all the way home.

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