F Minus by Tony Carrillo for August 17, 2011

  1. Missing large
    psychlady  over 13 years ago

    Yeah, that’s what everyone says.

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  2. Blackbird
    baileydean  over 13 years ago

    Unfortunate timing, since your current job is as lifeguard at the local pool.

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  3. Missing large
    fermi_of_borg  over 13 years ago

    It works too! When I dress up as an unemployed slacker at a job, I usually end up becoming one!

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  4. Me with salmon  small
    EricAlder  over 13 years ago

    But I can’t afford to dress like a millionaire! :(

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  5. Im000587
    slhansen07  over 13 years ago

    This is the worst comic strip ever. Who laughs at this stuff?

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  6. Large tv test pattern  color
    Lyons Group, Inc.  over 13 years ago

    But in this case, no.This strip’s okay (for now). As for the job, hire a homeless person minus the outfit. He’ll be so numb from drinking so much alcohol that he won’t feel the sting of 1500 bees while removing honey from the hive! Oooo, am I mean, or what?!

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  7. Elba 20111218 00003
    doc white  over 13 years ago

    this strip is rated F- step down. next case.

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  8. Rah
    rangerboymark  over 13 years ago

    It seems that somebody dressed like a comic critic today. And they have no taste because F- is hillarious. As always!

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