Blonde man: They only offer paper or plastic, but if you ask for it. You can get a fish net.
Sounds like a fourth option (third being those reusable, eco-friendly, cloth bags).
It’s call a string bag. They were very popular in Europe, where you were once expected to bring your own bag. Don’t know if that’s still true.
Anyone heard of Cargo Pants?
Wow! Looks just like my swim bag!
November 07, 2013
Templo S.U.D. over 8 years ago
Sounds like a fourth option (third being those reusable, eco-friendly, cloth bags).
Cerabooge over 8 years ago
It’s call a string bag. They were very popular in Europe, where you were once expected to bring your own bag. Don’t know if that’s still true.
rexxster over 8 years ago
pcmcdonald over 8 years ago
Anyone heard of Cargo Pants?
ianjohnsoncartoonist Premium Member over 8 years ago
Wow! Looks just like my swim bag!