For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for September 08, 2007
September 07, 2007
September 09, 2007
Michael: Y'know, 'Lizabeth... you don't have such a great life after all... At first, I was really jealous of my little sister. I wanted everything she had.
It’s too bad Lynn went into reruns so much, because so many present-day events in the characters’ lives get pushed to the wayside. For instance, we see nothing of the family’s reaction to Liz and Anthony getting back together. So little room for everything as it is within the confines of a daily newspaper strip, and all the reruns just made it worse.
Koala Queen over 1 year ago
I remember this one :)
FrostbiteFalls about 1 year ago
It’s too bad Lynn went into reruns so much, because so many present-day events in the characters’ lives get pushed to the wayside. For instance, we see nothing of the family’s reaction to Liz and Anthony getting back together. So little room for everything as it is within the confines of a daily newspaper strip, and all the reruns just made it worse.