FoxTrot by Bill Amend for July 16, 1991
With the strength of ten men, Sir Galahunk thrust his mighty sword deep into the dragon's belly. His battle over, the reptile dead, the lone knight headed west through the forest toward his castle. It was then, in a clearing, that he saw her. Golden hair, twinkling blue eyes... Only two words entered Galahunk's mind. Paige: Mom, is "hubba hubba" hyphenated? Andy: Paige, you know, you do have a dictionary.
ESpecks over 7 years ago
I think she’ll have to look on an online dictionary for that one.
RandoSoup over 4 years ago
so the galahunk saga begins…
LHGG SigmaKiller almost 3 years ago
Cringe city.
a_biological_girl 10 months ago
“She’s hot,” thought Galahunk.