FoxTrot by Bill Amend for January 27, 1996

  1. E8f55cf7 6da9 48b6 9921 e877f1d5adf7
    Kitty OwO  about 4 years ago

    Why is being first so good? Btw I’m first Hahahahahhahahah

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  2. Gocomics prc
    I AM NACHO   about 4 years ago

    Well, technically if the computer is charging you can rip the plug out of the wall…. it won’t turn off tho……

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  3. Screenshot 2023 04 20 10.48.14
    Captain Price  almost 3 years ago

    you can’t rip the plug, but you CAN thro the cpu out the window a lot more easily

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  4. Image
    The PapaEaster  almost 2 years ago

    But you can slam them shut!

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