FoxTrot by Bill Amend for May 30, 1996
Paige: OK, let me see if I've got these area formulas memorized...for a triangle, it's 1/2 bh...for a trapezoid, it's 1/2 (a+b)h...and for a circle, it's (pie)r^2. Jason: Yes! Yes! Yes! You got them all right! You're going to ace this test! I'm going to make $10! Paige: I always get confused - does h stand for my height or the triangle's? Just kidding. Jason: Will you quit toying with me?!
baconbitz_cartoonlover over 14 years ago
TheFox99 over 13 years ago
I love Jason’s expression in Panel 3.
Zankchi11 over 9 years ago
The triangle is as tall as you.
ToneeRhianRose almost 9 years ago
Little brother’s just make it so easy! _
PBS1! about 5 years ago
Jason’s reaction in panel 4 is priceless.
OwenR about 4 years ago
I want Jason’s hat
Sorenson278 almost 4 years ago
On the NYS exams you get a reference table with all the formulas on it.