FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for October 22, 2013
Roger: Do I really want to buy a pack of 72 batteries? Roger's Voice of Reason: Yes! Yes! Yes! Roger: Do I really want to buy a coffee in 10-gallon drums? Roger's Voice of Reason: Yes! Yes! Yes! Roger: Do I really want a 128-ounce of barbecued potato chips? Roger's Voice of Reason: No! Roger: You're right. I want two. Roger's Voice of Reason: See? It's important to ask yourself these things!
Templo S.U.D. about 11 years ago
Like I said yesterday, Roger’s voice of reason needs its own voice of reason.
Wenthral about 11 years ago
Andy can’t complain after her Beenie baby craze
2578275 about 11 years ago
Maybe one reason why obesity is a problem in these modern times.
vwdualnomand about 11 years ago
gotta love costco.
2578275 about 11 years ago
Ah, conspicuous consumption at work: Use as much as possible; waste as much as possible; make a competition of it and boast of it.
Destiny23 about 11 years ago
The coffee and potato chips would be stale and the batteries dead before I got half way through any of those jumbo packs!
2578275 about 11 years ago
To Comics Lover: Is there a problem with Freedom of Speech?
Vlad Taltos about 11 years ago
I have a young child. He has a lot of toys with lights and sounds. Oh yes I buy that many batteries at once.
Doctor11 about 11 years ago
Roger Fox is a goner when he gets home.
thronchl000 over 5 years ago
Roblox Lover! :P about 4 years ago
I think Roger would be about as deadly as Paige in a mall after a 5-Month No-Cheat diet