Frank and Ernest by Thaves for April 03, 2011
Medical Office Building Maintenance Dept. Frank says, "Lots of work orders today? did you get to the floors in 402?" Ernest says, "Yep, they were filthy?" Ernest says, "I told the dentist there that he was overdue, and he needs to make an appointment for a cleaning at least once a year." Frank says, "And the window coverings in 711?" Ernest says, "Finished... I put up the sun shades for the dermatologist!" Frank says, "You still had time to fix the jiggling door handle in 205?" Ernest says, "Yeah, that job was fun--- the psychiatrist was finished working for the day..." Ernest says, "He was lying on the couch and I told him he had a screw loose!"
x_Tech over 13 years ago
And the Proctologist?
I’ll have to look up his address.
pouncingtiger over 13 years ago
It looks like the psychiatrist is not the only one with a screw loose. Eh, Ernest.
lewisbower over 13 years ago
Why have I turned my brain to mental mush over the years reading this strip. I actually thought I would get away with it today without a pun. Give me the number of that psychiatrist.
rgcviper about 5 years ago
“So long, Screwy! See ya in St. Louie!”
— Bugs Bunny