Frazz by Jef Mallett for October 04, 2001
"So who's this big star who's got all the kids wanting to wear number 3? A quarterbacck? A goalie? A pitcher?" "Dale Earnhardt." "Dale Earnhardt? The stock car racer?" "The late stock car racer." "Man, sports have changed since I played ball." "A few things have changed since you played ball."
doctorwho29 about 12 years ago
KZ71 over 10 years ago
Sniff…. RIP Dale. This is the first time I have EVER seen a NASCAR story take up more than one consecutive day on Gocomics.
starclaw almost 7 years ago
Ah coach hacker- the one character marked out for, and only for, abuse
We don’t do that here over 4 years ago
If you were actually in to sports you wouldn’t call it a “goalie”Also a keeper’s number is 1, 3 is for center backs