Frazz by Jef Mallett for December 16, 2007
girl: Candy is good. Fruit is good. Candied fruit is bad! Candied fruit is bad. Cake is good. Fruitcake is bad! girl student: Whoa. If badness plus goodness equals badness, and goodness plus goodness equals badness...where does goodness come from? girl: Funny you should ask. Fruitcake is bad. Underpowered plumbing is bad... Frazz: Goodness.
Caleb Peiffer almost 10 years ago
Mallett does a lot of things remarkably well, but wordplay is one of the things he does best.
Kid Covid almost 3 years ago
Bad plus Bad equals good. For example, raw, salmonella full cookie dough is bad, and overpowering heat is bad, but together, the two make cookies.