Frazz by Jef Mallett for November 22, 2011
Girl: My dad says we make our own luck. So I got some paper, scissors and glue and made my own four-leaf clover. I also made a mess and glued my shirt to the table. But dad couldn't yell at me because it was kind of his idea. Frazz: Lucky. Girl: I couldn't believe how fast it worked.
Stephen Gilberg about 13 years ago
What was the glue for?
Paul Read Premium Member about 13 years ago
Obviously, it was to glue the shirt to the table!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 13 years ago
shhhh…(dad was proud of her.good thinking.)
brick10 about 13 years ago
Forgot the glitter!
tahoeh2o about 13 years ago
Luck is the crossroads of opportunity and preparedness…
McGehee about 13 years ago
The difference between good luck and bad luck is, good luck involves work.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 13 years ago
Nice outfit little girl!!
Konabill about 13 years ago
winning a lottery is bad luck most of the time.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 13 years ago
Glued a rabbits’ foot to a horseshoe for good luck once… threw it in the river…. you know what…?bad luck for the rabbit
mossmangene about 13 years ago
im new to the internet, and this strip. this may have been brought up before but it seems to me that the artwork and basic premise of this strip has been ripped off from calvin and hobbs. not that im totaly against it but i would like to know why. by the way, yes im old. for those of you who dont know about calvin please look it up. this was a ground breaking strip and one of the best that will ever be.p.s….. yes, calvin is one SICK puppy!