Fred Basset by Alex Graham for October 08, 2024

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    sirbadger  3 months ago

    How does Fred compete in dog shows? Does he suddenly become obedient while judges are looking at him?

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    mikenjanet  3 months ago

    A true basset. You don’t like being ordered around. No doubt that treats would work getting you to do what they want, though. I don’t like being g ordered around either and bribery, treats whatever does NOT work on me.

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    angelolady Premium Member 3 months ago

    After I got my basset, I saw a chart that listed basset personality as “stubborn, disobedient.” He could be, but more often he wanted to hear “good dog.” When he was getting an attitude, I’d say, “Where’s my good dog?” and he would get over it. I never would have tried obedience school with him, though!

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    kbyrdleroy123  3 months ago

    “Gave WHO his money back?” You lost me.

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    Zykoic  3 months ago

    My dog usually obeys but when she locks on a scent she ignores me. So far two rabbits dispatched (in our potato patch) and a few voles on the local trail. Gads, if I am not fast enough, she eats the voles. Vet just chuckled, “Yes, that’s what they do,” was her answer to my worry.

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    juicebruce  3 months ago

    Fred was thinking : That was your idea not mine for those classes ;-)

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    sarahbowl1 Premium Member 3 months ago

    Fred, don’t you want more treats and hugs?

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    SusieB  3 months ago

    Fred, how embarrassing for Mr. Dear!

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    ladykat  3 months ago

    That’s rightl Mr. Dear. You got your money back, so that should mitigate your bad mood.

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    darcyandsimon  3 months ago

    I wonder what GPA you have to keep up…

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    gizzyloo Premium Member 3 months ago

    why do they draw Mr so mad all the time – poor ole Fred can’t seem to any right to please him anymore

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    kathleenhicks62  3 months ago

    Flunked obedience training? We had a friend whose dog did that. . . .

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    anncorr339  2 months ago

    Why does Fred have to go to trading school

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    Judeeye Premium Member 2 months ago

    Calling Fred "hopeless " was way too harsh. Bad Mr. Dear!

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    Charlie Fogwhistle  2 months ago

    I once had a puppy (2016-2018) who flunked out of puppy school. He was the sweetest little guy, but he had an intra-hepatic porto-systemic shunt. That means his plumbing between his heart and liver was all messed up, resulting in his blood not getting properly filtered. Every time he fell asleep, even for a few minutes, it was like hitting the reset button on a computer, and he awoke with no memory of the people around him. So he growled at everyone until his sort term memory was refreshed. He only lived for 18 months, but it broke my heart when he died. We now have 3 dogs, and they are all loving, normal dogs.

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