There was a move by some school board to ban this painting because Washington isn’t wearing a life jacket. My third-grade grandson did a double take. “They didn’t even HAVE life jackets back then!” Brings to mind the line attributed to Mark Twain about idiots and school boards.
juncarlo over 5 years ago
The crew t-shirts will surely say: “I crossed the Delaware and all I got was this shirt.”
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 5 years ago
George Washington carried a scimitar?
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
Another STAND UP and the boat turns over.
phnx1965 over 5 years ago
Happy Father’s day to all you great men!
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 5 years ago
I can hear Lafayette laughing.
Dani Rice over 5 years ago
There was a move by some school board to ban this painting because Washington isn’t wearing a life jacket. My third-grade grandson did a double take. “They didn’t even HAVE life jackets back then!” Brings to mind the line attributed to Mark Twain about idiots and school boards.
chris_weaver over 5 years ago
But I did get the coffee mug!
Hippogriff over 5 years ago
The stars were in a circle back then, although I am not sure he even carried one on that raid.