Frog Applause by Teresa Burritt for August 23, 2008

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    If he’s invisible, why isn’t her arm showing through him?

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  2. Graceeyepatch large
    Teresa Burritt (Frog Applause) creator over 16 years ago

    I like the way you think, marguerite! Good observation. The figure outlined with dashes isn’t actually invisible (like, say, a science fiction character). This guy is supposed to represent someone who “feels” invisible or marginalized in some way. I think most people have experienced at some time in their life the feeling that they don’t belong… or they’ve been treated as though they don’t belong.

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    Thank you for the explanation. I think we’ve all felt marginalized at one time or another.

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  4. Felix 1
    IAMBUDD  over 16 years ago

    And we all know how painful that can be….when one feels marginalized!!!!

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  5. Cherry
    haikumiko  over 16 years ago

    This is true!

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  6. Prettyfeet
    prettyfeet  over 16 years ago

    I’m making a list of creators on gocomics (in no particular order) that take the time to answer reader questions or make comments on their own comics. Here’s my list so far. Did I miss anybody?

    Pibgorn (Brooke McEldowney) Bob the Squirrel (Frank Page) Frog Applause (Teresa Dowlatshahi) Cleats (Bill Hinds) Eek (Scott Nickel) Non Sequitur (Wiley Miller)

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  7. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    I read ‘Cleats’ daily, and I’ve never noticed a comment from Bill Hinds.

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  8. Graceeyepatch large
    Teresa Burritt (Frog Applause) creator over 16 years ago

    marguerite: Are you feeling “marginalized” by Bill Hinds?! I MUST INTERVENE. Bill Hinds is one of the nicest people EVER. His avatar is “buzztank” (“Buzz” Beamer, a character from Sports Illustrated for Kids and “Tank” McNamara, the strip that he has drawn for 30+ years). Try addressing Bill by name (or by his avatar) and ask him a question. I promise that he will answer you!


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  9. M
    jperes moderator over 16 years ago

    Tony Murphy of It’s All About You - tfmurphy Pab Sungenis of The New Adventures of Queen Victoria - pabsungenis Justin Thompson of Mythtickle - JUSTIN THOMPSON Not 100% certain, but I believe this is Wiley Miller of Non Sequitur - nonsequitur Lalo Alcaraz of La Cucaracha - lalo

    Those are the ones I know of. Click on my profile and you’ll find them all in the list of people I’m following.

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  10. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  about 12 years ago

    Did someone say something?

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