Garfield: Dinnertime!
Jon: Hungry, Garfield?
Garfield: Is Odie stupid?
Jon: Great! Let's go to the refrigerator and find something to eat. Come on, Odie.
Garfield: Don't do it, Jon! I'd better go to the rescue. Clean out the refrigerator, Jon!
NewOrleansSaints over 8 years ago
NewOrleansSaints over 8 years ago
Love the title panel.
Clearstream almost 8 years ago
But put some gas masks on before you do.
zeno over 5 years ago
Jon forgot the second rule in the house don’t open the refrigerator second rule eat your food as fast as you can before Garfield finds you.
Zack Vladimirsky almost 3 years ago
the title panel is funny