Garfield by Jim Davis for August 31, 2008
*gurrrgle* Garfield: Hey! *gurgle* Garfield: Waiiiit a minute... This lousy diet has me seeing things again... You're a diet hallucination, aren't you?! Ice Cream: Okay, sport. You got me. *gurgle urgle urgle orgle urgle* Garfield: I wonder what diet hallucinations taste like. Chicken: Chicken!
ComicFan2786 over 16 years ago
Garfield y u want 2 diet. 2 m e you r not tat fat. Come on u r not tat fat like a sumo restler Love, ComicFan2786
forrest11 over 16 years ago
i no he dunst luks preti fat dus e comicfan
missevernight over 16 years ago
Awwww Garfield is sooooo cute!! And round!! I love him!
grobert93 over 16 years ago
Atroid123 over 16 years ago
Iv nevr had a diet hallucination before so I woodnt kno what dey tast lyk
Atroid123 over 16 years ago
haf u guys had dem before?
Silverpearl over 16 years ago
I wish some of these comments were in ENGLISH!!
CoronellaKeiper over 16 years ago
And here I was thinking, “What a delightful way for me to learn Spanish: Just line up the comic strip in Spanish and the same comic in English! Maybe even I have a chance.” Perhaps Jim Davis could do this for us when it is Garfield’s turn to be the featured comic. Coronella Keiper
BetterThanYou over 16 years ago
itisme: You know, if you don’t like Garfield, you CAN just… I don’t know… say, stop reading Garfield?
primalcoach almost 11 years ago
Oh, really (spoken with heavy breathing)? I am soooo glad! My self-image just went through the roof!
Romeo2Delta2 over 7 years ago
Why is it everything tastes like chicken? (Except human flesh, which tasetes like pork.)
Kool guy about 7 years ago
charlie brown lamp