Never liked sports, never will. I started school in Australia where in wasn’t compulsory, and when I returned to the UK….. it was. If someone tells me to do something: I won’t! If someone asks me to do something, and can give me a good reason…. then I will..
Llewellenbruce almost 11 years ago
Jon couldn’t beat a blind person playingping pong.
She Mc almost 11 years ago
I thought a big part included watching them from the lazy boy!!!
Toonerific almost 11 years ago
Sport has always been a big part of my life too – trying too avoid it!
jlpampel almost 11 years ago
Golf is my thing. I can watch it for hours.
Can't Sleep almost 11 years ago
Really, Jon? Me, too.
nathanb08 almost 11 years ago
I love Garfield’s expression in pannel 2 and his face of relief when Jon said “being bad at them i mean”
:D Good one Jim Davis!
Number Three almost 11 years ago
The only sport I was good at was Badminton.
Karaboo2 almost 11 years ago
I know the feeling Jon…….Unsportsmen like.
Chris Sherlock almost 11 years ago
If Jon were to go against Charlie Brown in a one-on-one sport, would either of them win?
pcolli almost 11 years ago
Never liked sports, never will. I started school in Australia where in wasn’t compulsory, and when I returned to the UK….. it was. If someone tells me to do something: I won’t! If someone asks me to do something, and can give me a good reason…. then I will..