Gary Varvel for March 20, 2010

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    Michael Peterson Premium Member over 14 years ago

    … and don’t believe the polls that show most Americans want reform, either. Keep screaming that it’s too expensive and everyone is against it.

    It IS a funny cartoon, however, if you think about the concept of the Big Lie and how Varvel helps the right wing persuade people to believe impossible things.

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  2. Stitch
    dshepard  over 14 years ago

    Anyone who has had their eyes open and can do basic math knows that what they’re saying is impossible…you can’t add another entitlement program and spend less money.

    In the history of Medicare is this new healthcare bill. They underestimated the cost of Medicare by 40 times and they’re underestimating this one too. So tell me, with Social Security and Medicare both being unsustainable as they are, what insanity is saying that we can sustain this too?!

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    halfabug  over 14 years ago

    nicely said david,and i would like to slap that face off pelosis smile

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    Libertarian1  over 14 years ago

    From the New York Times

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    hevendor717  over 13 years ago

    If it is possible to save money with this reform, it will take many years- too many to be good for current democrats politically.

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