StuDolgon has been leaving posts from Gasoline Alley strips from years past. They are from a website called The information he leaves to see them are long and complicated series of letters and numbers that you are lucky to get through half of them without making a mistake or ending up at a place with Chinese or Arabic letters. I quit bothering since I don’ t have the patiance copying them. It’s easier to go to ilovecomix and find your own. Unless Stu knows an easier way.
436rge over 4 years ago
StuDolgon has been leaving posts from Gasoline Alley strips from years past. They are from a website called The information he leaves to see them are long and complicated series of letters and numbers that you are lucky to get through half of them without making a mistake or ending up at a place with Chinese or Arabic letters. I quit bothering since I don’ t have the patiance copying them. It’s easier to go to ilovecomix and find your own. Unless Stu knows an easier way.
I Go Pogo over 4 years ago
Looking back for the older Joe Pye story I ran across the August 13, 2003 story when Hack and Sarge retired from the shop at Gasoline Alley.
I Go Pogo over 4 years ago
And on May 4, 2004 Phyllis was laid to rest. Gertie came to take care of Walt September 15 of that year.