Gaturro by NIK for January 19, 2017

  1. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 8 years ago

    GATURRO: A colorful strip about the emoji (emoticons). I’m not sure about the conversation in the last 2 panels – something like, "What’s this? “Well what do you want? You have seen all the good ones.”

    MARY WORTH: I think Dawn is saying, “What happens at the disco, stays at the disco”…sort of like the Comic Curmudgeon’s post on Tuesday (

    REX MORGAN: I can’t wait to find out what Buck is talking about! ???

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  2. Th
    marvee  almost 8 years ago

    Rex Morgan An interesting proposition?

    Judge Parker – Maybe they’ll finally realize she needs help.

    Phantom – The truth will out.

    Crankshaft – The Monet commentary continues. Copiers have learned how to scale down paintings of water lilies.

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  3. Florchi 2
    florchi  almost 8 years ago

    NEW.GOCOMICS: It sure is a lot of trouble and clicking to get back in here to make another comment.

    PHANTOM: Is Orson Burley’s employee (the one reading the newspaper) the guy who has tangled with the real live Phantom? What will he say or do if Ms. Ogutu tells Burley her tale of rescue by the real live Phantom? At what point will Burley see the light… that putting the “mythical” Phantom on a postage stamp is a bad idea? Are we heading for denouement?

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