We used to joke about Madame Cleo calling and the reception she’d get if any of us got a call from her…
About 30? years ago I was staying with some old friends while I worked on a new building not far from their house. My buddy had to get up at 430am to drive to where was working on a high voltage powerline and didn’t get home till after 7-8 in the evening. So he didn’t get much sleep. I heard the phone ringing one night about 1am. His parents were really elderly so my buddy woke up and answered the phone. All of a sudden I hear his loud bass voice booming through the walls "This is WHO? A few second later I heard “WELL, YOU’RE NOT VERY Bleepity-Bleep-Bleeping psychic if you’re Calling ME at 1 in the morning!” We laughed about that till he died a few years ago. What I’d give to have a recording of both sides of THAT call!
KimmiesAndrews 6 days ago
They’re all quacks and only do this to get peoples money.
old_geek 5 days ago
I remember Paul Harvey reading the announcement of a psychic convention. Then he said “but, you knew that already.”
Ken Norris Premium Member 5 days ago
See today’s The Big Picture,,,
mbakerbr549 5 days ago
We used to joke about Madame Cleo calling and the reception she’d get if any of us got a call from her…
About 30? years ago I was staying with some old friends while I worked on a new building not far from their house. My buddy had to get up at 430am to drive to where was working on a high voltage powerline and didn’t get home till after 7-8 in the evening. So he didn’t get much sleep. I heard the phone ringing one night about 1am. His parents were really elderly so my buddy woke up and answered the phone. All of a sudden I hear his loud bass voice booming through the walls "This is WHO? A few second later I heard “WELL, YOU’RE NOT VERY Bleepity-Bleep-Bleeping psychic if you’re Calling ME at 1 in the morning!” We laughed about that till he died a few years ago. What I’d give to have a recording of both sides of THAT call!