Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for May 27, 2004
"A barn cat buddy of mine is coming in from the sticks for Catsmas. What's a good big city thing we could do?" "Two words: dumpster diving." "Why don't you take him to see 'Cats,' he he." "Is that supposed to be funny, diphthong? 'Cause it isn't. For your information, cats hate 'Cats.'" "How would you like it if a bunch of cat shaved themselves and danced around singin' about [ants and microwaves?" "Oh, I would love that!"
T-Rev almost 7 years ago
I’m with you, Bucky.
Omniman over 6 years ago
Now, that would get some hits on Youtube.
phoenixnyc almost 4 years ago
Oh, Bucky……wait until you see the movie.
rgcviper 6 months ago
What a … grammatical … insult to Rob, Bucky.