Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for December 26, 2004
"Check this out! New nerf ball!" "And the best thing is that I got it for the insider rate of $3.50!" "Satchel...You already own that. You just re-bought your own nerf ball." "No, no, see this is a SUPER nerf." " "Super" is written on a piece of tape, and it's mispelled." "Ohhh, ha ha! Well at least I got the insider rate! Imagine how mad I'd be if I'd overpaid for my own ball!" " I have to ask who sold it to you?" "The seller said he wishes to remain anonymous..." "I'm grounded?! Who gave you this note?!" "The grounder wishes to remain anonymous." "Wilco!"
WentBrown about 4 years ago