Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for April 19, 2006
Ashlee Simpson "Hello, Mr. Conley? This is Stephan Pastis...I do the comic Pearls Before Swine, I'd like to ask you about how similar your strips are to mine this week.." "Quoi? Me no speaka da Engleesh." "AHHHHHHHHHH CROCS IN MY BED!!!!!!!!" SMACK "AUGH!" "Ohhh...Now why you have to kill Benny like dat?" "AAUGH!" SMACK "Allll me ees saaaaayin' ees geeve peece a chaaaaance..."
Frances Sieradzki over 12 years ago
See Pearls Before Swine strips for 4/17-4/22/06.
11vandev about 12 years ago
OMG… Pastis looks so much on this strip than his own!
joeshmo30 over 11 years ago
KZ71 over 10 years ago
I think Darby Conley draws a better Stephan Pastis than Stephan Pastis does.
Boxo croco says happy derby over 4 years ago
I’m surprised this didn’t start on April 1st
Goat from PBS over 3 years ago
I love every bit of this.
FrostbiteFalls almost 2 years ago
Nice touch with the Ashlee Simpson poster, an obvious reference to her not-live-but-lip-synced performance on SNL, which has a lot in common with this week’s arc.