Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for December 04, 2010
Rob says, "All these things you think are so tough-- The Grinch, Oscar the Grouch, Barney-- you do realize they're not real, right? They're, like, puppets and costumes and stuff." Bucky says, "Rob, Rob, Rob. You'll believe anything the liberal media says, won't you?" Rob says, "Ok, why don't you enlighten me as to what they are?" Bucky says, "Cold war genetic experiments. Fact." Rob says, "Aw, fer the love of... they aren't genetic experiments!" Bucky says, "Oh, sorry, you're right! I forgot how the snuffleupagi were blocking my view of the migrating big birds the last time I went to the sanctuary of naturally occurring animals!"
FrostbiteFalls almost 2 years ago
Bucky can readily accept that unicorns don’t exist, but then he’ll dive full-tilt into his fantasy that Muppets are the result of genetic experiments.