Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for March 05, 2013
Satchel: Rob said you dry food disappeared mysteriously. Bucky: Is there another way for something to disappear? Satchel: Look, there's a trail of food leading to a little dark hole. Bucky: So our kitchen has a black hole that sucks only my dry food into its abyss? How dumb do I look? Satchel: No, I'm saying something may be coming out of the hole and taking the food. Bucky: Well, nothing can get out of a black hole. Now who looks dumb?
hometownk Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Satchel the Sleuth. If that is a flipping mouse hole, Bucky is useless.
quickly24 almost 12 years ago
okay- the spoon on the head… i do not really get it, but i love love love it. thanks, darby
RuinQueenofOblivion almost 12 years ago
Bucky is useless? Well, that’s not exactly a news flash.
Arianne almost 12 years ago
“Now who looks dumb?” Certainly not anyone who can deftly execute the rigorous spoonoggin maneuver!
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Yup…. now who looks dumb?
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Can anybody identify the title or logo partially shown on his bowl?
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Oh of course.. silly me.Thanks guys.
j-birds3 almost 12 years ago
Rob will need to put up a security cam to solve this one.
Brightspot60 almost 12 years ago
Spoon-head? Is Bucky trying to become Cardassian?
rdmacgregor almost 12 years ago
I’m guessing that Fungo has tunneled through the wall….
Steven777 almost 12 years ago
Spoon on head,Who looks stupid now Bucky!!!
baldhedjer almost 12 years ago
Fungo is paying mice to steal Bucky’s food. Ferrets are evil.
SwimsWithSharks almost 12 years ago
“Is there any other way to disappear?”Hey when my wife gets mean and drunk, I disappear. No mystery there.
SwimsWithSharks almost 12 years ago
Ever wonder why dogs chase squirrels but not mice?
TheMidnightCrazies almost 12 years ago
My bet is that it is a mouse and Bucky is scared of mice.
hometownk Premium Member almost 12 years ago
When we lived in the country my dogs ate mice.
hometownk Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I think the spoon on his head is an attempt to have it tucked behind his ear.
I was hoping for more information on the hole in the wall.
I like the idea of Fungo hiring mice to steal Bucky’s food.
Varnes almost 12 years ago
Go Ferrets!
meowlin almost 12 years ago
meowlin almost 12 years ago
YES! Thank you!
koshito almost 12 years ago
Why is it that the DOG is the dumb one and the CAT is the smart one? Silly question.
rgcviper almost 12 years ago
Nah—too easy.
However, woo-hoo for new comics at last!