Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for September 24, 2016

  1. Schwerpunk67
    Forbin Project  almost 8 years ago

    Trump’s doing pretty good pandering to the idiot vote.

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  2. Strega
    P51Strega  almost 8 years ago

    Lying is a neutral issue. Both candidate are adept at it as have been most previous presidents. Only exception in my life was President Carter, A truly wonderful man but a lousy president.

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  3. 125261801224025850235673
    smoore47  almost 8 years ago

    Yes, and he pulled your chain pretty well.

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  4. Cheese man
    pumaman  almost 8 years ago

    So he wasn’t born here. He could still become the Governor of California.

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  5. Missing large
    Ferret-Fever  almost 8 years ago

    We have Trudeau Pt. 2.

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  6. Worst president ever
    WiseOrator  almost 8 years ago

    Way to avoid engaging in the REAL argument by personally attacking the messenger..Trump IS pandering to the idiot vote. To be fair, not all Trump supporters are idiots but it is hard to understand why any sane, rational, well educated person would support him. If you are a sane, rational, well educated then maybe you can utilize your well educated character and explain to us, without launching into childish name calling, why you support Trump.We, America as a whole not just liberals, have yet to have someone who isn’t a dishonest, hypocritical, hate-filled, bigoted liar explain why we should support Trump. They all do what you did, they ignore the exact same failures in Trump that they say are why they won’t and America shouldn’t support Clinton.Can you explain to us why Trump is better? Please cite reasons that ARE true but are NOT true of Trump also. You say liar, well Trump is also a liar, arguably a bigger liar. You say dishonest, have you looked at your candidate’s business history of bankruptcies, refusal to pay contractors, or Trump U?Please, if you want to cry about Hillary being a liar and dishonest, stop being like her, tell us why we should support Trump.

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  7. Lwp2
    nitromicro  almost 8 years ago

    Any country gets the leadership it deserves. We, for example, have a Liberal pretty boy former drama school teacher as our leader. You will either get Hillary or the Donald. So….the way I look at it, you’re pretty much doomed either way. All hail democracy!

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    Stan McSerr  almost 8 years ago

    I will not vote for either Big Douche or Turd Sandwich.

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